
Web developer, invested father & future investor

Life is a series of fleeting moments that quickly fade away. It's essential to savor them, as each moment offers a unique opportunity to learn, love, and grow. Let's not let the preciousness of time slip away without fully embracing it.

Technical Skills

Integrated development environments (IDE) & User interface (UI) building libraries:

Development language & operating system:

Project Management system / tool & Version control systems (VCS)

Language & Database management systems (DBMS):

Latest & Greatest

Application C# {19/11/2022}

Contact Management App

This project is a contact management application that allows creating, editing, deleting, displaying, searching, sorting, and grouping contacts. It also includes optional features like role management and sending messages.

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Console Game C++ {18/08/2022}

Space Invader

Space Invaders is a classic video game, released in 1978 by Taito. In this arcade game, the player controls a spaceship and must destroy a horde of moving alien invaders while avoiding their shots. It is a cornerstone of video game history.

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Website E-boutique {12/09/2023}

React Project

This project involves creating a customer portal with a private session, a product catalog, an advanced search engine with multiple filters, features to add items to the cart or make reservations, discounts, and a loyalty program. Additionally, it includes the ability to receive sales details via email and a homepage containing the logo, relevant information, and media.

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JavaScript Project {23/03/2023}

Memory Game

This project aims to create a memory game where players must find 8 pairs of hidden images in the shortest time possible. The images are randomly arranged on a grid. The game allows for multiple rounds, resetting the position of the images for each new round. Users can uncover two images at a time, accumulate pairs, and the best time is recorded for each session.

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Website E-boutique{13/04/2023}

Java Project

This project involves developing a web application for an online store. Features include registration, browsing products by category, creating a shopping cart, managing quantities, sending orders via email, and saving orders to a database. A dynamic data structure like HashMap will be used to manage customer carts.

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Website E-boutique {17/02/2023}

HTML, CSS Responsive Project

This HTML-CSS integration project involves creating a website consisting of at least four pages on a free theme. The pages should have a consistent structure with a header, navigation menu, main content, complementary content section, and footer. The website must be fully responsive, catering to computers, tablets, and mobile phones, using a "Mobile First" approach. It also requires the implementation of advanced CSS features, HTML5 validation, integration of Google Maps, and appropriate code comments.

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